Top Vegetarian Bollywood Actors
September 10, 2024
वेज या नॉन वेज है अंडा? साइंटिस्ट्स ने दिया ये जवाब
December 14, 2024
Merits and Demerits of Non Veg Food
October 30, 2023
Nowadays, many people are realising the importance of being vegan. Firstly, it is more economical, and secondly, it is light on the stomach. Best meat substitutes have a taste like...
Read moreDetailsVegan, vegetarian, and plant-based eating lifestyles brings a wide range of beliefs and practices on your plate. So let's begin out on an educational adventure where we'll examine the distinctive...
Read moreDetailsThe 2nd Plant-Based Foods Summit, organized by the Plant Based Foods Industry Association (PBFIA) in collaboration with various Indian ministries and international organizations, is scheduled for May 25, 2023, at...
Read moreDetailsTop Indian Vegan Athletes & Bodybuilders Athletes, Bodybuilders, coaches and many other sports persons who are vegetarian. They Know for protein meat is not important. We can take protein and...
Read moreDetailsIn India, there are so many vegetarian Bollywood actors who chooses vegan. Many people choose to be vegan because they feel bad about animals being treated and killed for food....
Read moreDetailsYou won’t trust your eyes when you see what this brand is putting forth! Vezlay has idealized the culinary specialty of making the most prevalent and sought after meat items a...
Read moreDetailsTop Pro & Con Arguments Pro 1 It is cruel and unethical to kill animals for food when vegetarian options are available. Animals are sentient beings that have emotions and social...
Read moreDetailsकई वेजिटेरियन लोग अंडे को वेज डिश समझकर खाते हैं। वहीं, कई लोग ऐसे होते हैं जो चिकन मटन को हाथ भी नहीं लगाते लेकिन, अंडा बड़े मजे से खाते...
Read moreDetailsअब शाकाहारी भी मजे में चिकन के जायके का लुत्फ ले सकते हैं, इसके लिए सममुच के मुर्गे की जरूरत नहीं है, क्योंकि बाजार में अब शाकाहारी चिकन आ गया...
Read moreDetailsहारवर्ड टी. एच. चैन स्कूल आॅफ़ पबलिक हेल्थ के पोषण वैज्ञानिकों, और हारवर्ड हेल्थ पबलिकेशंज़ के संपादकों द्वारा बनायी गयी स्वस्थ भोजन की थाली संतुलित, स्वस्थ भोजन तैयार करने के...
Read moreDetailsMock meat is a plant-based cuisine for all the meat eaters. The environmentally friendly and health-conscious option improvises dishes and...
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