Top Vegetarian Bollywood Actors
September 10, 2024
वेज या नॉन वेज है अंडा? साइंटिस्ट्स ने दिया ये जवाब
December 14, 2024
Egg is veg or non-veg: Let’s crack it!
January 30, 2025
India is a land of diverse seasons, climate and weather. The extreme heat of summers and Freezing cold winters, both should be managed with the best mock meat products from ...
Eggs are a widely consumed nutritional food source savoured by people around the globe. In 2021 the worldwide production of eggs stood at 85.8 million metric tons, increasing from 67.6 ...
What is Soya Chaap? Soya Chaap might seem like a generic food commodity, but it is a flexible and protein-rich alternative for vegetarians and vegans. But what is a ‘Soya ...
Nowadays, many people are realising the importance of being vegan. Firstly, it is more economical, and secondly, it is light on the stomach. Best meat substitutes have a taste like ...
Introduction: In a world where health and sustainability have become paramount concerns, a captivating movement has emerged - the rise of plant-based diets. Curiosity and intrigue surround this dietary approach ...
कई वेजिटेरियन लोग अंडे को वेज डिश समझकर खाते हैं। वहीं, कई लोग ऐसे होते हैं जो चिकन मटन को हाथ भी नहीं लगाते लेकिन, अंडा बड़े मजे से खाते ...
Mock meat is a plant-based cuisine for all the meat eaters. The environmentally friendly and health-conscious option improvises dishes and...
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